Posted by queenmadison

Hi my name is Phoebe but my family and friends calls me Beans. F.Y.I. I love anything in relation to bean, I love Mr. Bean, eventhough my mom tells me he is a stupid genius, huh!?!, I love beans, green, black, or the ones inside a green pocket leaf, I love jellybeans, they are soooo good in my mouth!, I love bean bags, they are so comfty, and lastly I love my bean shape bath tub!
It was a warm sunday when I decided I wanted to play role-playing, where I am a doll seating in a display glass. Though I can't fit inside the cabinet where we put the dolls my mom put me in an open cabinet. I just love it here, I mean look at me, I feel like I'm a lil cutie patootie!

after 2 minutes...
Still loving it!

after quite a while!...
I wanna go down! I want my life back! help me!

nobody is even listening!...
Oh I am so gonna find a way on how to get down! and if I do, I'm gonna eat everyone! And I mean everyone... including you.... hahahahahahahaha!
no honestly put me down pls!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad she was not put in to the cabinet where the dolls are kept :)

Glitter Text 
