Advice to nursing mothers has been rich and varied- and often contradictory- over the years. Here are some examples from various times and places;
If you eat peanuts, your milk will dry up (unless you are in Africa, where they say that peanuts increase flow)
Some people insist that eating chocolate will stop your milk; others, that will produce more.
In many places, it has long been believed that drinking beer or milk will increase your milk supply; in Minnesota, oatmeal helps.
Eating cow, nature’s premier milk producer, is advised in some quarters: drink alfalfa tea or eat alfalfa sprouts. (But farmers don’t allow cows to graze near apple orchards- eating apples causes their milk to dry up)
There are more examples; if you nurse in a car, the baby will get gas; ditto if you eat cabbage. An onion in your stomach will give your baby colic. If you rock while nursing, you’ll shake up the milk.
If a mother becomes nervous, angry, frightened, or sexually stimulated, her milk will turn sour. In case, she will pass her own nature on to her baby in her milk.
In many places, it has long been believed that drinking beer or milk will increase your milk supply; in Minnesota, oatmeal helps.
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