SEMANA SANTA: A holy week special

Posted by queenmadison

Long time ago when car batteries were nonexistent, calcium carbide (carboro in Ilocano which is a chemical used to ripen mangoes) was often used to fuel the lights of the carrozas. So just imagine following a carroza with real fire spitting out of the tubes and inhaling some strange-smelling gas fuming out of the carroza's skirt.Later, car batteries and wheels (like those of the garumatas) were introduced. Men didn't need to take turns to carry these tableaux on their shoulders anymore. However, sometime in 1980s to early 90s, carrozas were kept in storage and bultos were paraded on vehicles. The church eventually went against the use of vehicles and before the turn of the 21st century, the tableaux were back on wheels - this time much lighter wheels like those of ordinary bicycles.Interestingly, I've been observing these carrozas for a few years now since I started filming them in 2000. And year after year, the same problem persists - too much flowers, proliferation of fluorescent light bulbs and even tubes and a whole lot more. Surprisingly, some owners don't realize that their bultos and carrozas are antique. They think that putting more flowers (to some extent that you'd notice the flowers more than the image itself) or wrong types of lights in areas and ways unimaginable would equate to more beautiful or much grander carrozas when in reality it is the opposite. Sigh. I won't go into details which and whose bultos and carrozas have changed. The pictures below are enough proof of years of careless restoration and transformation. Anyway, here's an additional and more interesting fact: Did you know that some of these bultos have their own farms? Actually, their owners do so that come Semana Santa they won't have to worry anymore where to get the money to support their bultos.
Mater Dolorosa
Santa Maria Magdalena

Santa Maria Salome

La Pieta

Apo Nazareno

The Crucifixion/Calvario

santa veronica

san juan

Santa Maria Magdalena

Santa Maria Cleofe

Santa Veronica

Scourging at the Pillar


Glitter Text 
